Wednesday, June 8, 2011

148. Small in size.

Gambar zaman muda. Kelakar lah Budd and Gha. Hehe

Muka baru bangun tidur. Otw to Gunung Datuk.

Ni gambar mulia sedikit sebab bersiap pakai baju elok. :D

Happy birthday Gha!

Haaa teka berapa umur dia? Bukan 12. Bukan 18. Bukan 20.

Her age is 23 years old.

She is not a little girl. She is a pretty lady. Tapi muka babyface kan? Haha

To Gha. Have a wonderful birthday. May Allah bless you. InsyaAllah. :)))

Nak promote ni. Gha sangat pandai buat benda-benda comel. Cupcakes, birthday cakes, puppets. Siapa-siapa rasa nak tempah boleh lah. Hehe. Ni haaa gambar kek yang dia buat. Sorry Gha. I curi daripada your facebook. Hehe

Ada orang pernah bagitahu, "The best package comes in a small size". Is it true?

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